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Early Modern Era
European Witch Trials (modern day Germany)
16th century
Katharina Zell (Theologian-modern day Germany)
Moderata Fonte, Venetian feminist
Malintzin (aka La Malinche, Yucatán Peninsula)
Queen Amina (Nigeria)
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Mexico)
Scold's Bridle (Scotland)
17th Century​
Dahomey warrior women (Benin)​​
Kimpa Vita (Kongo)
18th Century
Catherine the Great​​
The Enlightenment
Manifesto by the Society for the Emancipation of Women (France)
Mary Astell (England)
Mary Hays (England)
Atlantic Revolutions
American Revolution
Abigail Adams
Phyllis Wheatley
Deborah Sampson
French Revolution
Napoleon's Civil Code (1804)
Haitian Revolution
Marie-Jeanne Lamartinière
Victoria Montou (aka “Toya”)
Latin American Revolutions
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